The causes of obesity

The causes of obesity


The causes of obesity, there are many reasons that cause obesity, of these reasons include: 
psychological reasons leading to obesity, there are many people who are affected by bad psychological state, it lead them to exposure to a huge increase in weight. 
When deteriorate their psychological increase their appetite food and make them eat large amounts of food without the attention of the huge food calories they contain. Some medications cause of obesity,
 there are many medications that of the side effects they cause obesity and that what is in the composition of the material cause of obesity and excess weight is very large. 
There are some negative habits committed by many when you eat,
 Fats food and high-fat foods, sweets and starches that increase weight. Eat between meals makes this infection weight gain is very high lack of movement and not to engage in any physical activity cause obesity and the accumulation of fat within the body. There are a lot of imbalances and disorders that occur when hormone secretion process, and this has caused a significant increase in the incidence of weight. Sleep after eating meals directly is one of the leading causes of obesity. Always resort to the easiest and fastest way to do the completion of any activity without loss of energy the body. There are some influential genetic factors significantly to obesity, process inheritance of excess fat cells from the normal limit of parents and grandparents to children is one of the important reasons and difficult treatment to get rid of obesity, there are also genetic factors that make the secretion of the hormone insulin significantly the process of a major threat to the accumulation body fat and not discarded. There are many individuals inherit from their parents tremendous ability to eat large amounts of food. Obesity leads to infection with many diseases
 _ caused a massive increase in the weight of developing high blood pressure, as a result of increased secretion of the hormone insulin in the blood, when the body's stores of the hormone insulin containing sodium causes in the incidence of high blood pressure makes the disposal of the process extremely difficult accumulate fat the body is infected with high blood pressure and hardening of the arteries diseases.
 _ Obesity causes an increase in the incidence of heart disease and stroke, heart attacks and clogged arteries feeding the heart.
 _ Obesity much on the bones and joints significantly affect pressing too much on the nerves, making the person exhibition sharp pains in private joints joints of the feet as a result of the large weight they carry and cause severe pain in the lower back and talked obesity for many infections in the bones and joints.
 _ Obesity causing injury severe difficulty in breathing and severe shortness occurs in the lungs, and the speed in the number of heart.
 _ Incidence of severe headaches as a result of a shortage in the proportion of oxygen in the blood. 
_ Obese patients suffer heart stop for a moment and also the breath from time to time stops.
 _ Obesity, diabetes cause injury _ obesity disease is increasing susceptibility gallstones and inflammation caused by them, as a result of sedimentation and storage of the hormone estrogen on the gallbladder wall.
 _ Obese patients suffer injury Baldoual a congestion of the veins in the legs, accompanied by pain and sores and infections.
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